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Dr. Elizabeth Ann Rahman: Curriculum Vitae and Publications



2007-2014                                   Doctorate of Philosophy (Social and Cultural Anthropology)

Official award date: 06/06/2014    Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology

                                                    University of Oxford, U.K.

Dissertation Thesis Title:                 Made by Artful Practice: Reproduction, Health and the Perinatal Period among      Xié River Dwellers of Northwestern Brazil.

Supervision:                                     Prof. Elisabeth Hsu and Dr. Elizabeth Ewart

International Collaboration:              Dr. Luiza Garnelo, FIOCRUZ / University of Amazonas, Brazil.




Forthcoming        Introduction to ‘Infant Feeding: Medicine, the State and Body Techniques'              

(2016)                  Women's Studies International Forum, Special Issue (eds) Qureshi, K and E. Rahman.


Forthcoming        Nourishing Substances and Weaning among Xié River Dwellers of

(2016)                  Northwestern Amazonia In ‘Infant Feeding: Medicine, the State and Body Techniques’
                            Women's Studies International Forum, Special Issue (eds) Qureshi, K and E. Rahman.


2016                    ‘Intergenerational Mythscapes and Infant Care in Northwestern
In Parenthood Between Generations Transforming Reproductive Cultures (eds) Qureshi, K.  and S.

                            Pooley. Oxford: Berghahn Books.


2015                    ‘Introduction: The Alchemical Person’ (eds) Rahman, E. and J. Echverri. TIPITI,  Journal for the Society of                              Anthropology of Lowland South America, 13 (2): 1 -10.


2015                   ‘Hydrocentric Infants and Their Sedimentation: Artfully Binding the Bodily Soul among Xié River Dwellers of   

                          Northwestern Amazonia’ In Special Issue: The Alchemical Person (eds) Rahman, E. and J. Echverri. TIPITI,   

                            Journal for the Society of Anthropology of Lowland South America, 13 (2): 44-59.



2015                   ‘Introduction’ In Master Plant: Tobacco in Lowland South America (eds) Russell, A. and E. Rahman. London: 

                           Bloomsbury Press.


2015                  ‘Tobacco and Water: Everyday Blessing’ In Master Plant: Tobacco in Lowland South America (eds) Russell, A.

                            and E. Rahman. London: Bloomsbury Press.




2016                      ‘A People of Stories in the forest of myth: The Yukuna of Miritipanará’, by John Schackt. Bulletin of Latin

                            American Research, 35 (2): 256-257. DOI: 10.1111/blar.12448




May 2016             The greedy anaconda and the rainy spell of the mythic frog Aru: winter for the Warekena of the north-western

                          Brazilian Amazon

                             P04 In and out of the weather: resonance, discord and transformation in our weathered worlds. RAI, Anthropology,

                             Weather & Climate Change

                             The British Museum


April 2016            El tabaco en las sociedades amerindias
                            III Semana de Antropologia, ‘Antropologia de la curación: ejemplos etnograficos’
                            La Laguna University, Tenerife


March 2016         Breathing song and smoke: ritual intentionality and the making of an intersubjective realm

                            Breathing in context symposium, Wellcome Life of Breath project

                            University of Durham

September 2015  An anthropological education active in community, sustainability and wellbeing

                            Conference: Beyond Perception 15

                            University of Aberdeen


July 2015             Abusive plant relations and the case of ‘Agent Tobacco’

                            Resource Person, Global Diversity Foundation

                            Global Environments Summer Academy, Bern, Switzerland


April 2015            Skilled in Means: Xié Dwellers Mindful Relation to Infancy

                            Workshop: ‘Conversations with Tim Ingold: an Education by Attention’

                            Université libre de Bruxelles, Belgium.


July 2014             Artfully Binding the Body and Soul

                            Panel: ‘The Alchemical Person’

                            IX Sesquiannual Conference of the Society for the Anthropology of Lowland South America [SALSA], School of

                            Global Studies, University Of Gothenburg, Sweden


July 2014             Childbirth and Snakebite: Gendered Perspectives of Personal Transformation

                            Panel: ‘Freedoms and Un-freedoms: Agencies, Hegemonies, and Transgressions through the Perspective of Gender


                            IX Sesquiannual Conference of the Society for the Anthropology of Lowland South America [SALSA], School of 

                            Global Studies, University Of Gothenburg, Sweden


May 2014            Tobacco, a ‘Master Plant’ and Person Known and Used in Indigenous and Non-Indigenous Contexts

                            Botanical Ontologies Post-Graduate Conference

                            TORCH: The Oxford Research Centre in the Humanities, University of Oxford


November 2013   Caring and Being Cared for in Northwestern Amazonia

                            Fertility and Reproduction Studies Group, ISCA, University of Oxford


July 2013             Using Tobacco Mindfully: A Further Aspect of Tobacco Smoking in Lowland Amazonian Societies

                            Symposium: ‘The Changing Landscape of Tobacco in Lowland South America’, University of Durham.


March 2012         Caring and Being Cared for in Infancy  

                            Linacre College seminar series, University of Oxford


January 2012      Therapeutics of the Everyday

                            Work in Progress Seminar, ISCA, University of Oxford





May 2015                Convener of P04 In and out of the weather: resonance, discord and transformation in our weathered worlds.

                                RAI, Anthropology, Weather & Climate Change

                                The British Museum


September 2015     Convener and discussant of the ‘Roundtable on Education’

                                Conference: Beyond Perception 15

                                University of Aberdeen


Michaelmas 2014   Co-convener of the seminar series ‘Infant Feeding: Nurture and Nourishment’

                               Fertility and Reproduction Studies Group

                               Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology, ISCA, University of Oxford


July 2014               Co-convener of the panel ‘The Alchemical Person’

                               IX Sesquiannual Conference of the Society for the Anthropology of Lowland South America [SALSA], School of 

                               Global Studies, University Of Gothenburg, Sweden


July 2013               Co-organizer of the symposium ‘The Changing Landscape of Tobacco Use in Lowland South America’

                              Wolfson Research Institute, Durham University


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