Dr. Philip Kreager: Curriculum Vitae
Academic Appointments
Senior Research Fellow, Somerville College
Lecturer and Tutor in Demography, Institute of Human Sciences, Oxford
Director, Fertility and Reproductive Studies Group, Institute of Human Sciences, Oxford
Research Associate, Department of Sociology, Oxford
Chair, Oxford Project Southeast Asia
Honorary Professor, Institute of Ageing, School of Social Sciences, University of Indonesia
1980 DPhil Social Anthropology, Oxford University
1975 Diploma in Social Anthropology, Oxford University
1972 B.A. Magna Cum Laude, Anthropology, Duke University
Recent Research Awards
2020-2023 Co-Investigator, Care Networks in Later Life: A Comparative Study of Indonesia, ESRC and Southampton University.
2017-2023 Co-Principal Investigator, Reducing Social, Economic and Health Vulnerabilities in Indonesia. Australian Research Council.
2013-15 Co-Principal Investigator, Determinants of treatment-seeking behaviour and equality of access to early detection and treatment averting severe and fatal malaria in rural, impoverished settings of Nusa Tenggara Timur, Indonesia.
2011-12 Consultant, University Development Office and Humanities Division, Oxford University, Pilot Project: The Oxford Humanities Post-Graduate Diaspora.
2011-12 Consultant, National Team for Accelerating Poverty Reduction, Office of the Vice-President, Government of Indonesia (TNP2K)
2011 Convener, Population in the Human Sciences: Concepts, Models, Evidence Wenner-Gren Foundation and the John Fell Fund (International Conference Grant).
2006-7 Consultant: The Association of Plasma Phytoestrogens, Sex Steroids and Folate with Age-Related Cognitive Decline and Possible Dementia, Indonesian Project directed by Professor E. Hogervorst, Loughborough University. The Alzheimers Trust.
1998- Principal Investigator, Ageing in Indonesia: A Comparative Study in Social Demography, Wellcome Trust Grants 2007 052626, 06187, and 076032
Employment History
2015 Oct-Nov. Visiting Research Fellow, Asia-Europe Cluster of Excellence, Karl Jaspers Centre for
Transcultural Studies, Heidelberg University, Heidelberg, Germany
2015 Jan-April Sanofi Chair, Centre Villermé-Virchow, Université Paris Descartes
2013-14 Co-Principal Investigator, Determinants of treatment-seeking behaviour and equality of access to
early detection and treatment averting severe and fatal malaria in rural, impoverished settings of
Nusa Tenggara Timur, Indonesia.
2011-12 Consultant, Humanities Division and University Development Office, OxfordUniversity, Pilot Project:
The Oxford Humanities Post-Graduate Diaspora
2011-12 Co-Principal Investigator, National Team for Accelerating Poverty Reduction, Office of the
Vice-President, Government of Indonesia (TNP2K)
2011-present Director, Fertility and Reproduction Studies Group (FRSG),Institute of Human Sciences, Oxford
2011-present Senior Research Fellow in Human Sciences, Somerville College
2011 Convener, Population in the Human Sciences: Concepts, Models, Evidence
Wenner-Gren Foundation and the John Fell Fund (International Conference Grants)
2009-present Chair, Oxford Project Southeast Asia
2009-present Honorary Professor, Institute of Ageing, School of Social Sciences, University of Indonesia
2009-2011 Consultant, New Dynamics of Ageing (SUS-IT), Loughborough University
2008-2010 Visiting Lecturer: Demographic Change, Ageing, and Globalisation. Centre for Research on
Ageing, Southampton University (Research Associate from 2008 to present)
2006-2007 Consultant: The Association of Plasma Phytoestrogens, Sex Steroids and Folate with Age-Related
Cognitive Decline and possible Dementia, Indonesian Project directed by Professor E. Hogervorst,
Loughborough University
2004-2010 Senior Research Fellow, Oxford Institute of Ageing
1999-2007 Principal Investigator, Ageing in Indonesia: A Comparative Study in Social Demography, Wellcome
1993-1995 Tutor, Tempus Joint European Commission Project 03621, Ethnic Minorities in Central
Europe: Oxford University/Jagiellonian University, Krakow
1992-2010 Lecturer in Human Sciences, Somerville College
1991 Visiting Fellow, Institut National d’Études Démographiques (INED), Paris
1990-1991 Research Fellow, History of Medicine, The Wellcome Trust
1989-1990 Consultant and Senior Assistant, Indian Institute, Bodleian Library, Oxford University
1985-1988 Temporary Lecturer, Population Studies, London School of Economics and Political Science
1983-1985 Principal Investigator, Grant 84.20A. The Population Council
1982-1983 Fellow, American Council of Learned Societies
1981-1982 Post-Doctoral Fellow, The Population Council
1976-1978 Consultant, International Planned Parenthood Federation
1975 Consultant, Population Studies Centre, Battelle Memorial Institute
1972-1973 Research Assistant, Population Studies Centre, Battelle Memorial Institute