Dr. Paula Sheppard: Curriculum Vitae
University of Oxford, School of Anthropology & Museum Ethnography 2019-
Departmental Lecturer in Medical Anthropology
Course Director for the DPhil programme
University of Oxford, Department of Sociology 2016-2019 Postdoctoral Research Fellow on Family Size Matters ERC project
London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine
Postdoctoral Researcher for:
Department of Health Services Research and Policy 2016
Data collection
Maternal healthcare markets Evaluation Team (MET) 2016
Secondary data analysis & publication
Distance Learning Program, MSc Demography and Health 2015
Designed and created course module
Family Matters ERC Project 2014-2015
Secondary data analysis & publication
Senior Leadership Team 2014
Discrete choice experiment assessing student demand
Kinsey Institute for Research in Sex, Gender and Reproduction 2013-2014
Quantitative Research Consultant
Secondary data analysis 4 publication
London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine 2010-2014
PhD in Evolutionary Anthropology
How childhood household environments influence reproductive strategy.
London School of Economics 2009-2010
MSc in Social Research Methods
Father absence and timing of puberty and reproduction in British men.
University of Oxford 2008-2009
MSc in Cognitive and Evolutionary Anthropology
Hunter-gatherer residence patterns: why hunting and warfare predict patrilocality.
University of East London 2004-2008
BSc (Hons) Anthropology with Native–American Studies
University of New Mexico 2006-2007
1-year exchange programme option as part of BSc degree
Biological and Evolutionary Anthropology with Spanish
Fellow of The Fertility and Reproduction Studies Group, Oxford 2022-
Fellow of The Royal Anthropological Institute 2020-
St Antony’s College, Oxford (Senior Common Room and Student Advisor) 2019-
European Human Behaviour and Evolution Association (current Secretary) 2019-
Nuffield College, Oxford (Non-stipendiary Research Fellow) 2016-2019
National Evolutionary Synthesis Center (NESCent), Raleigh, USA 2015
Kinsey Institute, Indiana University, USA 2014-
University of Oxford
Human Evolutionary Demography (BA Human Sciences) 2019-
D.Phil writing workshops: Writing a thesis literature review 2017-2018
London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine
Research Design and Analysis 2014
Analysing Survey and Population Data 2015
Distance Learning Module: The long reach of childhood: health and the life course. 2015
London School of Economics
Introduction to Quantitative Analysis 2011-2014
Introduction to Stata 2012
DPhil Anthropology, Oxford (four students) 2022-
MPhil Medical Anthropology, Oxford (six students) 2019-2022
MSc Medical Anthropology, Oxford (15 students) 2019-2022
BA Human Sciences, Oxford (eight students) 2019-2022
MSc Sociology, Oxford (two students) 2017-2019
MSc Demography and Health, LSHTM (two students) 2014-2016
External examiner UCL BSc Human Sciences 2022-
Internal examiner BA Human Sciences, Oxford 2022
Internal examiner MSc Medical Anthropology, Oxford 2021-2022
Examiner of PhD viva, Department of Anthropology, UCL (Megan Arnot) 2021
Interviewer for admissions to BA Human Sciences, Magdalen College, Oxford 2018-
Examiner of M.Litt viva, Department of Sociology, Oxford (Paul Ayernor) 2018
ERC Consolidator Grant (shortlisted) 2022
John Fell Fund large grant, University of Oxford 2021
British Society for Population Studies travel grant 2013
European Human Behaviour and Evolution Association student bursary 2013
Economic and Social Research Council 1+3 Quota Award 2009
The Leathersellers’ Company Charitable Fund, University Exhibitions 2008
I have presented my research at around two dozen international conferences since 2010. These include talks at the European Human Behaviour and Evolution Association, the Human Behavior and Evolution Society, Population Association of America, The International Union for the Scientific Study of Population, the European Consortium for Sociological Research, and the British Society for Population Studies.
I have also given invited talks at the Childbearing and Evolutionary Theory workshop Oxford, at the UCL Biological Anthropology seminar series, and for Oxford Sociology’s Departmental Seminar, as well as at the Radical Anthropology Group, London.
I organised two workshops at Nuffield College, Oxford: Multigenerational Social Mobility, and Sibling Models in Intergenerational Transmission Research. I held a special session at IUSSP: Evolutionary Perspectives in demography, and was on the organising committee of the European Human Behaviour and Evolution Association Conference, held in London 2016.
Ageing and Society; American Journal of Epidemiology; Biology Letters; European Journal of Population; Evolution and Human Behavior (& Consulting Editor); Evolutionary and Behavioral Sciences; Evolutionary Psychology; Evolution, Medicine, and Public Health; Evolution, Mind and Behaviour; Human Nature; International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health; Journal of Bioso-cial Science (& Associate Editor); Journal of Family Issues; Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health; PLOS ONE; Population Studies; Royal Society Open Science; Nature Scientific Reports; Social Sciences (& Editorial Board); the National Science Foundation (grant applications in Biological Anthropology).